Disability Consultancy Services
Disability Consultancy Services
Disabled & Marginalized
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Training Which We Provide For Employers To Enable Them To Provide Equal Employment Opportunities & Design A Code Of Practice:

  1. Disability Equality Awareness Training: One Day Workshop.
    We at D.C.S can provide two optional courses on disability awareness in the work place.

    • 3 Hour Workshop: For example, bank staff on how to identify and assist a person with a disability.
    • 6 Hour Workshop: For example, a hotel may require their staff to participate on the 6 hour training program. This training program would be carried out on site using the aid of video's, case studies, role-plays etc. At the end of this course the said staff would have acquired the knowledge and confidence to assist any disabled person who may enter the hotel.

  2. Disability Equality Awareness Training: Two Day Workshop.
    • 12 Hour Workshop: For example a retail outlet or a training organisation might want their staff to participate on this advanced training program which is a follow up course on the one day workshop. Each disability session is delivered by a person with a disability which gives participants a better knowledge of how to assist and work with that particular disability.

  3. Sighted Guide Training.
    This training is provided where visually impaired or blind people may be customers or employee's of an organisation. For example, if a visually impaired or blind person comes into your restaurant, if your assistance is required, you will be able to offer this assistance in a competent manner so as to cause no embarrassment to the customer or yourself.

    Training Structure:

    • Introduction To Visual Impairment.
    • Adaptive Technology.
    • Daily Living Skills.
    • Sighted Guide Demonstration.

  4. Sign Language Training.
    This training course would be run over a 6 month period. Participants would acquire the skills to communicate through sign language with a person who has a hearing disability.

  5. Braille Training.
    It is not necessary to be able to read Braille in order to provide print in a Braille format, however Braille is used as a means of communication by many blind people. Training can take a lot of hard work and time depending on the tuition and the ability of the person who is learning Braille.

  6. Convert Standard Print To Braille Or Cassette Tape.
    Most visually impaired or blind people use a Braille format as opposed to print when communicating. For example, we at D.C.S will convert Restaurant menus, invoices, pay-slips etc to the Braille format.

  7. To Design A Code Of Best Practice.
    Employers who have no disabled person in their organisation but wish to do so may request DCS to design a code of best practice. This code of best practice would provide the organisation in question with the relevant information when employing a person with a disability. i.e.:

    • Grant Available To Employers.
    • Compulsory Legislation.

  8. To Design A Public, Social & Industrial Access Audit.
    For example, if a bank wishes to make their premises totally accessible for all persons, we at D.C.S would go to their premises, identify the hazards, (steps, narrow doors etc) and then make recommendations to address these problems.

  9. Recommendations On Aids & Adaptive Technology.
    If an organisation employs a disabled person or if an existing member of staff acquires a disability, we at DCS would be able to provide advice on adaptive technology and on site Disability Equality Training if required. For example, a voice synthesiser attached to a computer for use by a visually impaired or blind person.

  10. Communications Training.
    This training is provided to participants who wish to enhance their communication skills and includes:

    • To achieve a professional level of confidence when dealing with customers or clients by telephone.
    • Reaching a high standard of self assertiveness.
    • To learn when and how to become a good listener.
    • To achieve good negotiation skills.

  11. Good Practice In Employment Training.
    • We can offer a one-day course for managers / team leaders and professional advisors, looking at participants understanding of disability issues.
    • Participants will find ways to address common forms of Disability discrimination in the employment process as well as identifying models of good practice for use in employment procedures.
    • This course outlines examples of good practice for employers seeking to implement an equal opportunity policy, which can be applied to the application forms at recruitment level.
    • It covers the main areas where employers need to gain or give information and does not cover the purely administrative parts of an application form.

  12. Curriculum Vitae Preparation.
    Participants who take part in this training will acquire the skills in preparing a curriculum vitae. Skills to include contents, layout and format. Each participant will prepare their own C.V.

  13. How To Prepare For A Job Interview.
    This training is designed to equip participants with the skills and confidence to sit an interview leaving the interviewing panel with a positive image of the ability of the applicant.

  14. Personal Care Workshop.
    This workshop is designed to bring about a clean, safe and efficient work environment for both Personal Assistants and Leaders. This would be achieved by using exercises such as daily living skills, hygiene, correct language and how to assist a disabled person.

  15. Wheelchair Management Workshop.
    A presentation from a person with a physical disability which will include practical exercises using a wheelchair which will include loading and unloading a wheelchair from a vehicle, how to fold a wheelchair and how to take a wheelchair up and down steps safely. This workshop will also look at cars which can be adapted for a person with a physical disability.

  16. Lecture On Deaf Awareness.
    This Workshop is an introduction to hearing disabilities. Participants will look at some aids and adaptive technology which is used by a person with a hearing disability. A sign language interpreter would be present to demonstrate how a deaf person works with the aid of this facility.

  17. Lecture On Dyslexia/Learning Disability.
    Some issues which would be covered by participants on this training course include:

    • Learning Disabilities.
    • Definition Of Learning Disabilities.
    • Basic Overview Of Learning Disabilities And Problems.
    • Outline Of Common Functional Problems.

  18. Lecture On Epilepsy.
    Participants on this workshop will discuss:

    • Possible Causes And Conditions.
    • Signs And Symptoms.
    • Basic Treatment.
    • Demonstration Of Recovery Position.

  19. Lecture On Mental Health.
    • Mental Health Disabilities.
    • Definition Of Mental Disabilities.
    • Current Perception Of Mental Disabilities.
    • Outline Of Common Problems.
    • Discussion Of Stigma Of People With Mental Disabilities.

  20. Lecture On Stammering.
    Participants will obtain the skills to communicate with a person who has a speech impairment. This training will help participants identify when they should offer assistance and more importantly in the case of someone who has a stammer, what participants should not say or do, thus causing no embarrassment to anyone.

  21. Health And Safety Workshop.
    • How Safe Is Your Office?
    • Safety Around The Office.
    • Housekeeping
    • Electrical Hazards.
    • Equipment Safety.
    • Slips & Trips.

  22. Food Care Workshop.
    • Food Handling.
    • Food Spoilage.
    • Food Poisoning.
    • Cross -Contamination.
    • Personal Hygiene.
    • Cleaning.

  23. General Information And Advice Service.
    We can link you with other organizations through our network who are also involved in the promotion of prudent disability policy.

    We can recommend a wide range of practical publications.

  24. Customer Service Programme.
    This programme is designed for front line staff and any employee who provides a service to customers. Specifically this programme looks at communication skills and services available to customers with a disability. Also assisting all customers in all area's surrounding disability, whilst focusing on the individual needs of specific disabilities.

  25. Farm Safety Training.
    This training course is unique, taking into account the complex and detailed safety features required when working with a disability on the farm.

  26. Manual Handling Training
    This course is designed to show manual handling techniques and the use of mechanical handling aids. Participants will discuss Manual Handling legislation and the guidelines which are required to comply with same. The training plan will also include participants taking part in practical demonstrations.




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